The Year in Review: 2023’s Biggest Stories

In the past year, Trevecca has expanded its facilities and degree offerings and made big decisions in pursuit of the next level of greatness in athletics. Here are just some of the highlights from a year of extensive growth on the Hill.
A New Bachelor’s in Nursing
Beginning in the fall semester, Trevecca added a new bachelor’s degree to its roster of 70+ programs. A four-year undergraduate nursing degree, approved in the spring by the Tennessee Board of Nursing, filled a crucial vocational need that is globally impactful, and was a natural fit with Trevecca’s mission and background.
New Master’s Programs
Trevecca also increased its offerings at the graduate level, launching two new programs and announcing another over the course of several months.
- The master’s in human performance and fitness is an online program that equips students to pursue a variety of careers in strength and conditioning, human performance, health and fitness, personal training and exercise science.
- Trevecca’s Master of Public Health program, also offered fully online, prepares students to step into leadership roles in the growing field of public health.
- Groundwork was laid as Trevecca announced a new strategic communications master’s that will begin in spring 2024. This online program will equip students to grow as leaders who can effectively plan and oversee all aspects of communication.
Record-setting Ed.D. Enrollment
Trevecca’s Doctor of Education in leadership (Ed.D.) degree program enrolled its largest group of students on record this fall, accentuating a recent string of successes for a program that also ranks first in Tennessee for Ed.D. conferrals. A combined 70 students began the program in the fall across multiple start dates.
Campus Growth
New buildings were completed on campus in 2023, including University Commons, a seven-story resident hall with spacious living quarters for nearly 300 students and amenities that are enjoyed campus-wide. Earlier in the year, coaches and administrators dedicated the Jim Hendershot Golf Facility, a multi-purpose building that provides the men’s and women’s golf teams with its own space for storage and practice.
Trevecca made important changes to its athletics programs this year, most notably announcing a move from the G-MAC conference to Gulf South that takes effect in fall 2024. This change will allow for more convenient travel and allows the Trojans to play the majority of its contests in the Southern states that are part of its Nazarene district.
In the spring, Kevin Carroll was named head coach for men’s basketball. A veteran coach of 23 years, Carroll has brought both local and national ties to the Hill, having served as an assistant coach at Lipscomb University the previous four seasons.
In May, Trevecca celebrated the graduation of more than 850 undergraduate and graduate students. Trevecca Provost Dr. Tom Middendorf said, “We send them out not only with celebration, but the anticipation that they’ll accomplish great things through leadership and service.”