It does matter
I was talking to an investment client of mine the other day and the subject of our children came up. I spoke about my children and how proud I am of them. His words about his children caused me to stop and think about influence. He said, “You know, we raised our children to do the right thing and to live a good life, but after they came out of college, they became cynical, questioning everything we taught them, walking away from the teachings of their upbringing.” Now, I’m not going to say that doesn’t happen at Trevecca – because you and I know cynicism has no boundaries. But what I will say at Trevecca those questions are answered by professors who care about the student and desire to seek Divine guidance for answers.
I’m proud to be an alumnus of a university whose motto, “Esse quam videri; to be, rather than to seem,” is the driving force behind guiding students to be what God wants them to be.
I trust by now you have received the President’s Report from Trevecca. These are wonderful days on the Hill. We are in the silent phase of a comprehensive campaign to keep Trevecca on the cutting edge of education – more to come on that soon. We have an alumni board meeting in May 2016. I’d love to hear from you with comments and suggestions. Contact me at 850-602-7230 or
Pray for the administration, faculty, board of trustees and students at dear ole TNU.
May all who come behind us find us faithful.
Don Hastings
Trevecca Alumni Association