5 Tips for Freshman Move-In Day

It’s finally here. The next step after graduating high school and the first official day of your college experience: freshman move-in day, which just so happens to be tomorrow. While the day is packed with new experiences and can get a little hectic, move-in day is definitely a milestone for undergraduate students. Here are some tips to make tomorrow a success.
1. Get some sleep.
Making sure that you get a good night of rest before your first move in day is essential. You’ll have a long day ahead of you and won’t want to be tired for it. Get your packing done early and go to bed sooner than usual, especially if you have to travel a long way to campus. If you’re well rested, you should have enough energy for the day.
2. Know it can be overwhelming.
Your first move-in day could get pretty stressful. It’s a lot of chaos: several hundred students and their parents moving to campus on the same day, boxes and furniture everywhere, and everyone walking up and down many flights of stairs. On top of all that, it’s the first day of a new season for you. It’s OK to feel sad to leave your parents. It’s also OK to be excited about starting college. Take a deep breath and relax when you start to feel overwhelmed.
3. Don’t bring everything you own.
Most students bring way too much stuff for their first year of college. It’s important to remember that you’ll be sharing a very small dorm room with someone. Most of the furniture is provided for you, so you don’t have to purchase anything big. You should focus on bringing the essentials when packing for college.
4. Let your parents help.
For most, move-in day is the last day you’ll be living under your parents’ roof for a while Believe it or not, they are going to miss you and will be sad to leave you on your own. So let your mom help you put your clothes away, and give your dad a hug goodbye. They will appreciate it!