Trevecca Celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day with Service and Education
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In mid-January, Trevecca honored and celebrated the footprint left by prominent civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with four days of activities.
Students had the opportunity to connect to King’s impactful movement through events that began Saturday, January 14. That day, a joint day of service involved 500 students from colleges and universities around Nashville, and Trevecca Urban Farm was one of the 25 sites offered as a service opportunity. The farm also planted trees in celebration of the holiday.
The sense of community continued through the weekend and in the spirit of unity, students chose to attend worship services that were different from the ones they usually take part in, widening their perspective on faith and embracing the diversity of the body of Christ.
On Monday, January 16, MLK day was celebrated in the city of Nashville. Students had the opportunity to participate in a mile-long march starting at Jefferson Street and ending at Tennessee State University’s Gentry Center. People from all over the city came together to show their support and unite.
King’s acclaimed “I Have A Dream” speech was screened at Trevecca throughout the holiday as well. The message of freedom and equality echoed throughout the campus for all members to hear and reflect upon.
Finally, on Tuesday, January 17, Trevecca’s MLK Day chapel service immersed students in different styles of worship as well as a panel discussion. The panel consisted of special guests Metro Nashville City Councilman Harold Love, Metro Nashville Public School board member Cherly Mayes and Juvenile Court and Magistrate Judge Carlton Lewis. They discussed the impact King had made on their lives and the practical steps students can take to make their voices heard. Following the discussion in chapel, the panelists joined Trevecca faculty and students for classroom lectures.
All activities highlighted the incredible life and legacy of King and gave the Trevecca community the opportunity to come together in love, service and a renewed commitment to justice.