Punching Holes in the Darkness
I’ve had the privilege of representing the Alumni Association at the banquet for the College of Lifelong Learning and at the Commencement ceremony recently. Our graduates have compelling stories to tell: some right out of high school and some out of jobs and careers and then on into earning their degrees. Much credit is owed to the people who’ve surrounded these graduates—family, friends, colleagues, and professors. We all have a story and the common thread of those stories is Trevecca. Whether you went to class on The Hill or took classes online, Trevecca has left its mark on you. Our graduates are well equipped to enter into the world to make a difference for God and for His Kingdom.
Let me remind you not to forget your alma mater in your estate planning and also your gifts of thanks, love and concern to the University. Go to our website at trevecca.edu and donate. Alumni support is extremely important and in many ways, it is the lifeblood of the University.
In a few weeks the Alumni Board will be gathering for our spring meeting. One topic on the agenda will be planning regional alumni gatherings hosted by the Alumni Board. We would love to hear from you. Please send us any suggestions, comments and concerns you have. You can contact me by phone at 850-602-7230, by email at don@donhastings.net, or the Alumni office at alumni@trevecca.edu. This is YOUR University and you have a voice! Thanks to those who have responded in seasons past. We truly appreciate it.
I will challenge you as I challenged the graduates: Go into the world and “punch holes in the darkness and let the light of Christ shine through.”
May all who come behind us find us faithful!
Don Hastings
Trevecca Alumni Association