Parent Series: How to encourage your student in the spring semester



Your student is halfway finished with his or her freshman year, and it’s all gone by faster than you ever imagined it could. Christmas break is over, and in just a few more months, you’ll be packing up your child’s dorm room for the summer.

With the fall semester behind us, your student should be settling into the rhythms of college life. So how can you encourage him or her in the new semester?

1. Help your student evaluate last semester.

The Fall 2017 semester may have been a huge success for your student or perhaps it was a little more challenging than either of you expected. Was time management an issue? Can he or she improve study skills or better communicate with professors? Does he or she need more or less sleep? Help your student to take a look at the last semester and evaluate what worked well and what didn’t. Then, make a plan to ensure the Spring 2018 semester is better than the fall!

2. Challenge him or her to set goals for the semester.

Those goals can be big or small, from achieving a particular grade point average to making it to most of his or her 8 a.m. classes. It may even be good to encourage your student to write those goals down. Sometimes seeing in print makes them more real and tangible.

3. Remind him or her about on-campus resources.

From tutoring services to career development programs, the iWork program and internship opportunities, Trevecca offers a variety of services designed to help your student succeed and grow academically, spiritually and professionally. Don’t overlook these opportunities! Click here to learn more about these and other services offered through the Center for Leadership, Calling and Service.

4. Keep in contact.

It’s the second semester. Your child has become more independent and seems to be adjusting to life on his or her own just fine. That’s great—but students still sometimes need to talk to mom or dad. Keep the lines of communication open, and don’t be afraid to text!