Home Where We Belong
Homecoming was a great success. It was wonderful to see so many alumni of all ages enjoying the Trevecca community. Your alumni board represented you and worked diligently to make everyone feel welcome.
As I sat through the Trevecca Board of Trustees meeting, I was reminded of the stellar progress we have made as a University—not only locally, but globally as well. Trevecca has entered into an agreement with Tianjin College of Commerce (TCC) in China. Beginning 2018, TCC will send 50 students a year to Trevecca for the completion of their degrees. Additionally, Trevecca has experienced a 25% gain in undergraduate enrollment across two years. A new music building will be built soon. We are experiencing the richness of the world we live in with a 30.4% diversity enrollment.
These are just a few ways Trevecca is impacting its students and the world. There is a wonderful spirit of unity among the administration, faculty and students. God is being glorified and lives are being changed through Trevecca Nazarene University, a Christian university in the heart of Nashville.
Lastly, if you want to host or help with an alumni gathering, contact the Office of Alumni at 615-248-1238 or contact me at 850-602-7230, don@donhastings.net.
May all who come behind us find us faithful!
Don Hastings
Trevecca Alumni Association