I celebrated a birthday this past week. It was marvelous to celebrate with family and friends and receive so many wonderful comments on that day. The interesting thing was the responses from a wide variety of friends from a wide variety of locations—high school friends and church friends. But the overwhelming responses were from friends from Trevecca Nazarene University.
As I thought about that, I concluded that my parents and the people who influenced me made the right decision steering me toward an environment where I could be on my own yet guided by people whose primary purpose was to equip an 18-year-old self-centered know-it-all and gradually shape that 18-year-old into a person who understood his purpose in life and how he fit into the story of God’s Kingdom. Trevecca professors and instructors who took a personal interest in my life did that during my years at TNU. As a result, I have those lifelong TNU friends.
Now, I have two granddaughters who are freshmen at Trevecca, and I know that same ethos of guidance still exists at Trevecca. I have witnessed it firsthand as the process of application, enrollment, financial aid and general “what’s next” questions emerged from these two young ladies. The faculty and staff at Trevecca are second to none.
I’m still baffled by Christian parents who nurture their children for 18 or so years and then, for many different reasons, some good, some mainly for money and proximity to home reasons, send their child to an educational institution that is not consistent to that upbringing. I had a relative who offered me a new car and a substantial amount of spending money weekly if I would go to a university “just up the road.” Mom and dad stepped in and said thanks, but no thanks, he’s going to Trevecca.
Hey gang, all I’m pointing out is that decisions made now determine our life stories in the future. Make wise and godly choices.
Homecoming is right around the corner, November 5-7, 2015, on the Hill at Trevecca. Plan to be there! I’ll look for you, so come find me, and let’s chat.
May All Who Come Behind Us Find Us Faithful!
Don Hastings
Trevecca Alumni