Can You Get a Bachelor's Degree in Two Years?
Many students considering higher education these days are wondering if it’s possible to get a bachelor's degree in two years. While most students take four years to complete a bachelor’s degree, there are a few options that can provide a faster route to graduation.
Can you take high school dual enrollment courses to get a bachelor’s degree in two years?
One of the best ways to accelerate your degree is to get a head start through dual enrollment, which allows high school students to take college-level courses and earn college credit before graduation. Dual enrollment helps high school students reduce the number of general education courses required during their first two years of college. This allows them to focus on their major courses sooner and finish a degree at a faster pace.
Students who have completed dual enrollment courses are often better prepared for the rigors of college-level work and have fewer introductory general education courses to take when they begin a full-time college career. This head start can make a huge difference in earning a bachelor’s degree in a compressed time frame.
Can you use accelerated degree programs to get a bachelor’s degree in two years?
Accelerated degree programs are designed to condense the typical four-year bachelor’s degree into a shorter time frame. These programs often require a heavier course load and fewer breaks, so students considering this option must be committed and well-organized. The compressed schedule allows students to complete a degree program earlier, saving time and money.
Accelerated programs are often available for adult students who are completing a college degree online as well.
What are the challenges of earning a bachelor’s degree in two years?
A heavier course load, fewer breaks and limited flexibility in course selection can be overwhelming for some students. Accelerated programs require students to be organized and disciplined, even if dual enrollment courses have helped prepare them for the academic rigor of college courses.
For students who are challenged in self discipline and organization, and for students who want to prioritize the full college experience–which can include social and spiritual development in addition to academic growth–taking more time to get through college can be the preferred choice. But for students who have the skills and motivation to finish college quickly, the possibility of earning a bachelor’s degree in two years does exist, especially with a head start through dual enrollment.
Can you get a bachelor’s degree in two years at Trevecca?
Trevecca can be an excellent option for students looking to fast-track their education. Trevecca’s dual enrollment program allows high school students to earn college credits at a fraction of the cost, making college more affordable. The courses are taught from a biblical perspective and provide personalized support from counselors, ensuring students are set up for success.
With the right resources and support, it is possible to complete a bachelor’s program in only two years. Trevecca’s dual enrollment provides the structure, flexibility and guidance needed to help students earn a degree faster. Whether you’re a high school student or an adult learner, Trevecca can help you get a head start on your academic and career goals.
Visit to learn more about dual enrollment at Trevecca, and take the first step toward earning your degree today.