
Trevecca Athletics | The Sun is Breaking Through on a Brand New Year …

Posted by Trevecca Communications on Aug 9, 2018 2:17:40 PM

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The Sun is Breaking Through, It's a Brand New DayYear … 

Summer is fading fast and a new school year is beginning to rise on the horizon. Here On the Hill, it means Trevecca athletes are arriving even as you read this.

Here are nine quick thoughts that might just benefit any student or student-athlete to get the most out of the new year physically, spiritually, socially and scholarly. 

Find Balance – Make sure to include time for sleep and activities outside of class, training, and Trojan_Head_269_TEXT2-1games that get you excited. Life on the Hill is terrific, but make sure you take time to explore other parts of the Music City. 

Use All of Your Resources – Asking for help is not a weakness, it is an asset. Don’t try to do it alone, instead identify and use your support team. That team now includes your Trevecca coaches, teammates, classmates, professors, advisors, friends, family and don’t forget the sports medicine and athletic staff.   

Feed Your Machine – As a college athlete, you will push your body to be its best. Make sure you are fueling your machine with high-performance fuel. Not only do you need to eat foods to perform at your highest level, but you’ll need to stay hydrated and rested. Eating well and getting enough sleep will help support you in beating your opponents and the stress that comes from college life. 

Challenging and Realistic Goals – Goals are critical to a successful life, but make sure to set realistic ones. Don’t set yourself up for failure. Set incremental goals to knock off over time rather than one big goal that is hard or impossible to reach. Set up smaller wins that help you build momentum on the way to achieving the big goal. 

Create Your Own Story - Don’t compare your journey with everyone else’s. Create a vision for the direction you want to travel and then map the steps it will take to get there.

Success Isn’t Always a Straight Line – Victory doesn’t always look the same for everyone, andGMAC Trevecca Primary 2c Logo it sometimes has detours. Don’t get frustrated if your route to success isn’t a non-stop flight or the same as others. In fact, facing waves or a strong current will make you stronger. With every challenge you confront and conquer, the easier it will become to overcome the next one.  

Your Peers Matter – Make sure your inner circle is a positive one, they will have the most significant influence on your success. Surround yourself with peers who hold you accountable and are positive. The right peer group will help you face the challenges that come and guide you to positive solutions. 

Never Stop Growing – Own a mindset of growth. Continue to find ways to improve in every NCAAfacet of your life—physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. When you continue to learn, seek challenges, own mistakes, invite feedback, and give effort, you will keep growing and thriving. Don’t allow the failures to define you. Instead, develop strategies to improve your mental toughness and know how you are going to cope with disappointment when it presents itself.

One Last Thing – You will be a teammate of significance when you comprehend the personal choices you make impact the team (and others in your life) as much or more than they do you.

Here’s to a great year On the Hill.



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