
Colombia #3 | Leah Hoffman, Andes Mountain Baptism

Posted by Leah Hoffman on Mar 9, 2018 11:25:05 AM


Initially, we were supposed to go to the women’s prison today, but as with the rest of life, things rarely ever go as planned. So instead, we all hiked the Andes Mountains, where Cassi and I were baptized! When we got to the natural pools, I waded into the cool water. As I did, thoughts rushed through my head and feelings through my heart.

When Coach Kelsey Fenix first mentioned the opportunity for people to be baptized in Colombia, I knew immediately this was something I wanted and needed to do. The timing, the location, but especially the people solidified my decision. I believe a massive part of the Christian walk is about being in community with others. Kelsey, Coach Jennifer Ludemann (Luda), and my teammates make up a community of believers that have and will continue to pour into my life.

I also thought about the faithfulness of God in my life. As I stood in the water with sand in my toes, I shared about my journey with Christ. I am incredibly blessed to be raised in a solid Christian home, but it has its challenges. As Luda shared in her testimony one night, I have been the prodigal son who leaves his father and looks for fulfillment in other places. Like our team leader, Mitch, shared in his testimony last night, I knew what it was like to isolate myself from community when I needed it the most.

But through it all, God has been faithful to me. He has been there waiting for me to run back to him every time I ran away. Meanwhile, he was also orchestrating and guiding my path so even when I did things my way; they always ended up getting me into just the place God had for me - e.g., playing soccer at Trevecca with an amazing coaching staff and teammates. The growth and opportunities can only be by the hand of God. I mean, who gets to be baptized in a river in the Andes Mountains and then sing Amazing Grace with their family in Christ? I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried.


After the baptisms, we explored the mountains and my change in perspective continued. I got to climb a waterfall, and on our walk back to the stadium we stopped at an overlook of the city of Medellin. Later we took cable cars up the mountain which allowed us to walk to yet another overlook of the city. From all these places we could see buildings spread all over the city. Its expanse is mind-boggling in every sense of the word. While taking in visually over three million people in that mountain valley from different perspectives, I was given a glimpse of just how small I am. Yet, in this smallness, there is a peace in the hugeness of God.

For dinner, we got to eat at the house of Alex, a COSDECOL coach. His story is a miracle, but one thing stood out to me. He said we were the motivation for him, and other COSDECOL workers, to keep going and keep sharing the Gospel with the kids in their sectors. This statement honestly shocked me. Who am I to be motivation for such a man of God as Alex, who used to be his drug-dealing father’s hitman at 11 years old? The only reason I can think of is, as Coach Kelsey told us, we were made for glory, and God’s glory is revealed in our weakness.

Today I experienced so much. I was baptized and raised to walk in newness of life, I had my perspective both changed and challenged, and I was filled with real joy as I experienced these things with a community of light and love. I will never forget this day or this place!

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