Behind the Scenes: Trevecca Students Intern on the Set of The Chosen

| Student Life

24-Blog-Photo-Posts_The-Chosen-InternsAt Trevecca, students in the film and television program don't just study the art of filmmaking; they dive into experiences that shape their careers. Two of those students, Cesia Suazo Henriquez and Micah Mercer, had the opportunity this summer to intern on the set of the hit TV series “The Chosen.” 

Cesia Suazo Henriquez, a senior film and television major with a minor in marketing, came to Trevecca from Honduras and has always wanted to study abroad. Her long-term goal is to establish her own production company where she can create impactful stories that resonate at local and global levels.

During her internship, Suazo Henriquez worked in the assistant director department. "My day-to-day was being on set, working with the assistant directors," she said. She gained practical experience managing and directing background extras under the guidance of Trevecca’s own Professor Adam Drake, the first assistant director on “The Chosen.” 

“It was funny for me because he's like ‘the big boss’ on set, but for me he’s just my professor,” Suazo Henriquez said. Her appreciation for Drake grew as she saw him performing in this leadership role. “I’m super grateful to him as a professor and a director, and I’m blessed to have been able to call him both.”

Her internship not only provided hands-on experience but also valuable insights about the inner workings of a set. "This experience helped me to see how everything works, and now I know that it's what I really want to do,” she said. She says connections in the industry were another big benefit of her time on the job.

Micah Mercer, a senior film and television major from Nashville, is working toward a career in screenwriting. Her internship with “The Chosen” came with a broad range of responsibilities, and even the most routine of her duties were exciting and beneficial. "I basically got to drive a golf cart and meet cool people all day,” Mercer said.” That was the great thing about mail running; I never knew who I was going to meet.” In delivering packages across the set, she learned to be adaptable to a fast-paced environment, making industry connections along the way.

The experience also gave Mercer a greater appreciation for the film and television program at Trevecca. "There were film majors from much larger schools who had never been behind the camera before,” she said. “That made me incredibly grateful that I was at Trevecca. The most invaluable experience that I've had is being behind a camera.”

Both Suazo Henriquez and Mercer had advice for future Trevecca film students. Suazo Henriquez encourages aspiring filmmakers to pursue their passions wholeheartedly: "If you want something, you need to go for it. Pursue it."

Mercer’s perspective is similar. “If someone gives you an opportunity and you are interested, you say yes and you make it happen,” she said. “And then show up on time.”

The internship reaffirmed career aspirations for both students, rounding out their educational journeys and giving them a stronger appreciation for hands-on learning and mentorship.