Trevecca to begin Spring 2021 semester with a phased return of students

| Student Life

Following the pattern set with the Fall 2020 semester, Trevecca officials announced today that students will return to campus in phases to begin the Spring 2021 semester.  

“There is reason to be optimistic about the ending of the pandemic in 2021 as we see the early distribution of the vaccine,” said Dr. Tom Middendorf, University provost, in an email outlining the decision to students. “Having said that, we will begin classes as infections are rapidly rising as a result of the holidays.  This reality will require us to proceed with caution to ensure a safe return to campus.” 

The plan will create greater density control during the first weeks of the spring semester, especially as case counts continue to rise in Nashville.  

The phased return is as follows:  

  • Traditional undergraduate student leaders will begin returning to campus on Jan. 9.  
  • Traditional undergraduate students who live on campus will begin returning on Jan. 10.  
  • All new traditional undergraduate students (new residential and new commuters) will participate in New Student Orientation on Jan. 12 and begin in-person classes on Jan. 13.  
  • Traditional undergraduate students who are returning commuter students: We are requesting that you go remote until returning to campus for in-person classes on Jan. 19.   
  • School of Graduate and Continuing Studies students (degree-completion and graduate students) who are part of an in-person program will receive instructions from their individual program leaders regarding the first of the year. Students who are in fully online programs will follow their regular schedules. 

All health and safety guidelines and protocols outlined in the University’s Back Home to the Hill Plan, launched prior to the Fall 2020 semester, will be in effect for the remainder of the academic year.  

Recent updates to the plan include a shortened quarantine period in response to updated guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and a requirement that all residential and commuter students (traditional undergraduates) be tested for the virus prior to their arrival on campus for the spring semester. Trevecca officials shared detailed information about required testing with residential and commuter students in traditional undergraduate programs via email.  

More information is available at

Media contact: Mandy Crow, 615-248-1695