Third Annual Trevecca Giving Day Planned for March 22

| Events

Trevecca will hold its third annual Giving Day On March 22, 2023, and the entire Trevecca community is invited to come together and help achieve a goal of 1,500 donors.

Donors on Giving Day can choose for their contributions to be used in a number of specific areas. Donors will have the opportunity to direct their funds to:

  • Allow more students to earn their degrees through scholarships.
  • Support the School of Music and Worship Arts as they strengthen church worship leaders.
  • Provide alumni with resources for professional and spiritual development.
  • Link arms with current pastors and students to offer Wesleyan-holiness resources for ministry efforts.
  • Provide online training, professional development and leadership micro-credentialing for current graduate students.
  • Assist student teachers who face extra required costs to finish their education degrees.
  • Aid in the expansion and improvement of athletic facilities.
  • Pave the way for students in the film and television program to finalize and promote their capstone projects.
  • Support Trevecca Around the Globe (TAG) and help students participate in international service-learning experiences.
  • Enable English majors to participate in conferences and workshops that will help them grow as scholars and writers.
  • Contribute to an endowment fund that will allow the library to lend up-to-date laptops to students in need.
  • Help Trojan Athletics better promote sporting events with additional, upgraded broadcasting equipment.
  • Give support to students who don’t have the option of going home during University holidays and breaks.
  • Help students prepare for STEM careers so they can skillfully respond to health and technical challenges.

Please consider joining us this March to bring new life and opportunities to The Hill, enabling the next generation of servant leaders to become all that God has called them to be. Visit the GiveCampus page to take the next steps in giving.