Schofield Helping to Extend Chaplaincy Services for Nontraditional Students at Trevecca
| Mission
Dr. Terrence Schofield, Trevecca’s associate provost for mission excellence and reconciliation, will be teaming with the chaplain’s office to provide spiritual support specifically to the school’s online students.
“We don’t want graduate and nontraditional students, and others who mainly live off campus, to miss opportunities that on-campus students have as part of their Trevecca experience,” said Schofield. “We decided it would be great to provide ministry and other spiritual supportive services for our nontraditional students.”
Mentoring has been a part of Schofield’s life for many years. He spent 30 years as a senior pastor of several congregations and worked as the director of reconciliation for Promise Keepers, providing mentorship to denominational executives and ministers across the country. Over the last 10 years, he has provided counseling services through psychological private practices.
In the new role, he will be working alongside Trevecca Chaplain Erik Gernand to provide counseling and life transitional care for nontraditional students, providing regular spiritual devotionals and offering support to students via email or phone call. Gernand and Schofield are also hoping to include a worship experience during this coming school year.
Schofield hopes that students will find a sense of belonging and know that they are an important part of the Trevecca community.
“I hope that our nontraditional students know that they are not alone in their academic pursuit and calling and that we at Trevecca love them and believe in them,” Schofield said. “We want them to be assured that we value them and are always available if they need another supportive voice in their journey. Even across long distances, this community is a family.”