Micro MBA certificate at Trevecca offers accelerated option for business graduate school

| Academics

Trevecca Nazarene University is introducing a Micro MBA program in fall 2021 that offers an accelerated master’s level business certificate.

Trevecca’s Micro MBA certificate, earned through 12 hours of condensed MBA courses, offers efficiencies and advantages for prospective graduate students and employers. Benefits including a 28-week completion schedule, a discounted tuition rate and transferable credit hours make the program an attractive option for both seasoned professionals and new college graduates.

“This program is a fast, economic way to get started on an MBA, or to pick up key skills to advance your career,” said Dr. Jim Hiatt, dean of Trevecca’s Skinner School of Business. “We’re excited about the flexibility and functionality of the Micro MBA. It’s a great way to quickly add to your resume, test the waters of graduate school or even get a refresher if you earned a master’s in the past.”

In earning a Micro MBA certificate, a student will have acquired one-third of the credits needed for a full Master of Business Administration degree at Trevecca, and those hours are fully transferable to TNU’s MBA program. For employers, the Micro MBA can be an efficient option for employee development, enhancing the skills and acumen of their workforce without taking on the financial investment of a full graduate degree.

The new certificate is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Fees for the Micro MBA program are 40 percent less than traditional graduate school tuition, and an additional discount is available to alumni of Trevecca.

“We believe this option has tremendous value for many people who may not have considered pursuing an MBA before,” Hiatt said. “Given the nature and quality of the curriculum, the micro program makes a lot of sense for someone who has an undergraduate degree and wants to advance in just about any industry.”

Applicants accepted in the Micro MBA program can enroll in courses that begin this fall. More information about the program and enrollment can be found here

Media Contact: Brian Bennett