Trevecca Athletics Blog

Women's Basketball: A Mission Trip to Mexico: An Impact for All

Written by Brittin Boyer | Jun 15, 2018 3:27:58 PM

When you think about going on a mission trip, you usually think about how your group will impact those you are traveling to serve. However, like many, our recent mission experience resulted in all of us being blessed and moved by those we served. Our team used three different flights and a 6-hour bus ride to reach St. Maria Guienagati, a community affected by earthquakes we watched on the news months ago. 

We weren’t sure what to expect, but any preconceived expectations were surpassed by what we saw and experienced. Upon arrival in the community we sent to serve, our team split into three different groups of service: medical, evangelism, and work/witness. Olivia Pepperman and Brittin Boyer served in the medical clinic.

Our team is grateful for this trip and experience. It did not happen without a number of people committing to praying and donating financially. The prayers were felt and naturally effective. The financial support allowed everyone to make the trip with a peace of mind.

Brittin Boyer

As an exercise science major with a concentration in pre-physical therapy, the chance to work in the medical clinic was right up my alley. We organized medicine brought to give to the community. There were more than three tables full of medicine. Three doctors served for two days providing check-ups. Working alongside doctors and communicating with the people visiting the clinic from the community was an incredible experience. 

On the second day of working with the patients, I was able to take blood pressure, allowing me to use my experience learned recently in my Exercise Physiology class at Trevecca. We recorded their height, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature for their medical records. My four years of Spanish in high school allowed the doctors to speak to me in Spanish while recording their data. 

Talking with the doctors and community members reminded me of why I want to become a physical therapist: I genuinely love helping people and making a difference in their well-being. It truly broke my heart to see how little these people have when it comes to health care. Living in the USA, we take things for granted, and health care is a big one. Some of these people didn’t get great news when they visited us, but being able to pray for healing with them was so empowering.  

My passion for helping others was confirmed throughout the week. I felt like I got to play a small part in uplifting spirits and to distribute medicine to those who desperately need it. Although they saw me at work this past week, the people I met have no idea how much they impacted me as a person, future physical therapist, and Christian. I am forever grateful for the time I spent in Mexico.

Olivia Pepperman

My time in Mexico is one of the most incredible experiences in my life. Interacting alongside all the beautiful and kind people, I was able to see God in another unique way.

One of the doctors (Dr. Aline) at the medical clinic is a radiologist, and she was doing ultrasounds on many patients. Luckily, I was helping her when she did the ultrasound on a woman who was five months pregnant. Dr. Aline let me help with the ultrasound, and I was able to hear the baby's heartbeat and tell the sex of the baby to the mother. Afterward, I could not control my happiness because for the first time I was able to live out my passion which is caring for unborn babies and small newborn babies. I think helping a child is the easiest way to feel closer to God.

I will take these memories and life lessons from Mexico with me everywhere. Thank you to the beautiful people in Santa Maria and of course, Dr. Aline.